Saturday, February 22, 2020

Decolonization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Decolonization - Essay Example This implies that the colonizers were starting to view colonialism as a negative aspect because it led to violence and destruction of economies within the occupied countries. This is because the colonizers were after the raw materials and the riches in the colonies. In addition, the imperial nations could not make sacrifices that were mostly characterized with war in order to maintain colonies. In other instances, decolonization took place because the imperial nations had lost their military prestige, which was mostly lost during wars that the imperials lost. Moreover, there was increased need to liberate people in order to allow them to establish self-rule although this was accompanied by double crosses and bad deals as the colonizing nations attempted to continue holding the countries as colonies. The people themselves also wanted to acquire self-rule that could only be established if decolonization occurred first. These nations fought forcing the imperial nations to pull back. The se reasons among others led to decolonization. We show concern with the issue of decolonization because of one key reason. This is the historical perspective. Here, people can only understand why today’s world is as it is because of learning what happened in the past. Acquiring perspective on the previous occurrences as well as the effects of colonization helps the modern generations to comprehend why today’s world functions in the way it does as well as understand the beginning of modern relationships between nations.

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Not Built Here Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Not Built Here - Case Study Example In the contemporary business domain, all firms and corporations are expected to embrace creativity, invention and innovation (Dellmour, 2011). Therefore, when the business director came with the new thought hoping it would be of an added advantage to the company operations, the two managers should have given him a chance. Instead of resenting the said changes, they should have approached the pioneering officer with a lot of concern in order to know why he thought his idea was a better one (Johnson, 2009). In addition, it was never wise of them to rely entirely on rumors without seeking the truth from the business director. Today, corporations and businesses organizations, are deemed not to take on complex social, economical and managerial problems without having regarded the efforts of the full spectrum of concerned members and stakeholders including the junior employees (Rousseau, 2008). Furthermore, most organizations today hire managers and administrators who uphold teamwork. In this case study, however, the California mental health facility’s business director tends to encourage dictatorial decision making process. He does not consult either his seniors or juniors. Most corporations in the current professional environment engage administrators who practice and uphold teamwork principles with the aim of creating a healthy work environment. This choice of approach encourages prompt problem solving techniques as well as excellence in creativity and performance. Such firms are fond of basing their corporate frameworks almost entirely around togetherness and teamwork. Employees are first engaged in general work fields. After the identification of the various employee skills and talents, specialization and decision of labor are usually encouraged (Wart, 2008). Similarly, the director should have incorporated and encouraged his colleagues in consultations until a consensus is